Excellence in School Nursing Awards

2024 Virginia Association of School Nurses (VASN) Excellence Awards Nomination Form

Google Form for Nominations

2024 Excellence in School Nursing Awards (SNOY/SNAOY/PIPSN)

The Virginia Association of School Nurses has received multiple nominations for the 2024 Excellence in School Nursing Awards.  The purpose of these awards is to recognize outstanding School Nurses in Virginia who demonstrate excellence in school nursing practice, as well as leadership in school health.   Nominations may come from school administrators, supervisors, educators, school nurse colleagues, parents, students, members of the community, or nurses may even self-nominate, etc.  Awards will be presented at the 38th Annual Fall Conference.  Eligibility for these VASN awards is based on meeting all of the following requirements.


The candidate must  be a Registered Professional Nurse (RN) licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  (The SNAOY and PIPSN category also requires a BSN).

  1. The candidate must be a current member of VASN with continuous, uninterrupted membership during the preceding two years, without lapse in membership.

  2. The candidate must  have two years of experience as a school nurse and currently hold a full-time school nurse position (where at least 50% or more of the nominee’s time is spent providing direct care for the SNOY category).

  3. Demonstrate evidence of excellence in school nursing for the specialty practice of School Nursing, related to the Framework for School Nursing in the 21st Century (NASN, 2016c).

  4. Nominations may come from school administrators, supervisors, educators, school nurse colleagues, parents, students, members of the community, or a school nurse may self-nominate. 

  5. Candidates may not be a current VASN elected officer or NASN Director.


Procedure for submission of Nomination Form: 

  • Nomination form may be completed electronically from the VASN website. 

  • Complete and submit the Nomination Form by  11:59 pm on Monday April 15th.  No late entries will be accepted.

  • Nominees will be notified and congratulated on their nomination in early May 2024.. Nominees who are eligible for the 2024 VASN Excellence in School Nursing Awards will be given additional information regarding the process to submit the required portfolio. (See below)


Materials for nomination include a completed Portfolio to include the following:


  1. The Outstanding SNOY/SNAOY/PIPSN Award Nomination Form (already submitted electronically with nomination).

  2. A letter of support by the nominator, stating why the Registered Nurse deserves the nomination (1-page maximum).

  3. A three (3) page self-reflection completed by the nominee -- summarizing how she/he demonstrates Outstanding levels of excellence in school nursing according to the School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice,4th Edition (NASN, 2022). 

  4. Resume or Curriculum Vitae (3-page maximum).

       5.     Two (2) Supporting documents of recommendation from a school nurse colleague, administrator, parent, student, supervisor, member of the community, etc. (one page maximum -- each)

  1. Headshot photo to be used for VASN and SNOY recognition on the VASN website and VASN social media pages. (This should be a jpeg).


The completed Portfolio shall consist of no more than ten (10), single-sided pages using double spaced font.

The completed Portfolio requirements must be uploaded to the designated Google form with all documents in PDF or or Word format by. No late entries will be accepted. 

 A minimum of five (5) judges will independently score all candidates who meet the criteria for each category/award.  The candidate with the highest overall score in each category will be awarded the titles of SNOY/SNAOY/PIPSN, respectively.

 School Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice, 4th Edition (NASN, 2022) will provide guidance in the judging criteria, using a predetermined point system.  All decisions shall be final with no appeals accepted.